
Art Direction, production, styling and scripting for all video content for Topo Designs. Used for social media, advertising, email, blog and e-commerce pages.

Topo Designs S/S 2019 Collection.

An in-situ story outlining the highlights of the S/S 2019 collection.

The Travel Bag Campaign.

An in depth look at the Travel bag for one of our biggest marketing campaigns of the year.

Informational Product Videos.

A video tour through some of our most popular products by resident product experts.

Team Topo Stories.

The first in a series of videos highlighting the employees of Topo Designs and activities that motivate them.

Topo Designs Mountain Pack.

A brand introduction and awareness video centered around one of the original best selling packs, one of my first video projects at the brand.


The North Face - Video


Topo Designs - On Model